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<!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Drop Shadows</title> <!-- Ignite UI for jQuery Required Combined CSS Files --> <link href="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.1/latest/css/themes/infragistics/infragistics.theme.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.1/latest/css/structure/infragistics.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <!--CSS file specific for chart styling --> <link href="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.1/latest/css/structure/modules/infragistics.ui.chart.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/modernizr/modernizr-2.8.3.js"></script> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.1/jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <!-- Ignite UI for jQuery Required Combined JavaScript Files --> <script src="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.1/latest/js/infragistics.core.js"></script> <script src="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.1/latest/js/infragistics.dv.js"></script> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" src="/data-files/us-fao-gross-production.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/data-files/uk-france-population.js"></script> <div id="chartBubble"></div> <div class="UNdata-attribution"> 農業のデータ ソース: <a href="http://data.un.org/" target="_blank">UNdata</a> </div> <div id="chartLine"></div> <div class="Quandl-attribution"> 人口のデータ ソース: <a href="http://www.quandl.com/" target="_blank">Quandl</a> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $("#chartBubble").igDataChart({ width: "100%", height: "300px", dataSource: agriculturalData, title: "年の米国農業生産", subtitle: "1961 年 - 2007 年のデータ", axes: [{ name: "xAxis", type: "numericX", interval: 10, title: "年", }, { name: "yAxis", type: "numericY", title: "合計農業生産 (USD 10 億単位)", maximumValue: 200000, formatLabel: function (val) { var bVal = (val / 1000), rounded = Math.round(bVal * 100) / 100; return "$" + rounded; } }], series: [{ isDropShadowEnabled: true, useSingleShadow: false, shadowColor: "#666666", title: "(年, 生産), 人口", name: "bubble", type: "bubble", xAxis: "xAxis", yAxis: "yAxis", xMemberPath: "Year", yMemberPath: "Value", radiusMemberPath: "Population", showTooltip: true, markerBrush: "rgba(68,172,214,0.7)", radiusScale: { minimumValue: 30, maximumValue: 50, isLogarithmic: true }, }], horizontalZoomable: true, verticalZoomable: true, windowResponse: "immediate" }); $("#chartLine").igDataChart({ width: "100%", height: "300px", dataSource: data, rightMargin: 35, title: "U.K. vs. フランス", subtitle: "人口の比較 (年)", axes: [{ name: "xAxis", type: "categoryX", label: "Date", isInverted: true, interval: 2, title: "年" }, { name: "yAxis", type: "numericY", interval: 5, minimumValue: 45, title: "人口 (百万人単位)" }], series: [{ isDropShadowEnabled: true, shadowOffsetX: 0, shadowOffsetY: 3, useSingleShadow: false, shadowColor: "#666666", name: "ukPop", type: "line", title: "UK", isTransitionInEnabled: true, xAxis: "xAxis", yAxis: "yAxis", valueMemberPath: "ukPopulation", showTooltip: true, thickness: 5 }, { isDropShadowEnabled: true, shadowOffsetX: 0, shadowOffsetY: 3, useSingleShadow: false, shadowColor: "#666666", name: "frPop", type: "line", title: "France", isTransitionInEnabled: true, xAxis: "xAxis", yAxis: "yAxis", valueMemberPath: "francePopulation", showTooltip: true, thickness: 5 }], horizontalZoomable: true, verticalZoomable: true, windowResponse: "immediate" }); }); </script> </body> </html>
/* United States Food and Agriculture gross production. Data from: http://data.un.org/ Original source: http://faostat.fao.org/ */ var agriculturalData = [{ "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 2007, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 184698, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 302 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 2006, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 176803, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 299 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 2005, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 181432, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 296 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 2004, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 183519, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 294 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 2003, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 172458, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 291 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 2002, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 167494, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 288 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 2001, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 170755, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 285 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 2000, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 173640, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 282 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1999, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 170083, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 279 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1998, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 167311, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 275 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1997, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 167072, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 272 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1996, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 162066, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 269 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1995, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 152325, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 266 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1994, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 164433, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 263 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1993, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 142796, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 260 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1992, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 155467, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 258 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1991, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 143249, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 255 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1990, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 144644, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 253 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1989, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 138218, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 250 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1988, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 126910, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 248 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1987, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 136752, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 245 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1986, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 136708, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 243 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1985, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 143144, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 241 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1984, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 136529, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 238 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1983, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 119197, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 236 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1982, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 139500, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 234 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1981, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 139390, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 232 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1980, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 127118, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 229 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1979, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 133091, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 227 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1978, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 126211, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 225 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1977, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 126192, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 223 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1976, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 120877, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 221 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1975, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 117511, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 219 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1974, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 110119, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 217 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1973, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 113008, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 215 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1972, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 111439, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 213 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1971, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 111234, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 211 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1970, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 102786, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 209 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1969, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 104285, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 207 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1968, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 103420, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 205 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1967, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 101177, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 203 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1966, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 97277, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 201 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1965, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 97704, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 199 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1964, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 94323, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 197 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1963, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 93700, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 194 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1962, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 90275, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 191 }, { "Country": "United States of America", "Element": "Gross Production 1999-2001 (1000 I$)", "Year": 1961, "Value_Unit": "1,000,000 Int. $", "Value": 89816, "Population_Unit": "1,000,000 People", "Population": 189 }];