ピボット グリッド - 並べ替え
このサンプルでは、igPivotGrid の並べ替えを有効にし、初期化で特定のレベルに並べ替えを適用する方法を紹介します。
このサンプルは CTP 機能を使用しています。製品版では、API や動作が変更される場合があります。
モバイル デバイスで画面を回転、フル サイズ表示、またはその他のデバイスにメールで送信します。
コード ビュー
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var sales = [ { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 12.814, "SellerName": "Stanley Brooker", "Country": "ウルグアイ", "City": "モンテビデオ", "Date": "01/01/2007", "UnitsSold": 282 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 49.579, "SellerName": "Elisa Longbottom", "Country": "イギリス", "City": "ケンブリッジ", "Date": "01/05/2007", "UnitsSold": 296 }, { "ProductCategory": "バイク", "UnitPrice": 3.565, "SellerName": "Lydia Burson", "Country": "ブルガリア", "City": "ソフィア", "Date": "01/06/2007", "UnitsSold": 68 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 85.581, "SellerName": "David Haley", "Country": "ドイツ", "City": "ハイデルブルグ", "Date": "01/07/2007", "UnitsSold": 293 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 18.137, "SellerName": "John Smith", "Country": "イギリス", "City": "オックスフォード", "Date": "01/08/2007", "UnitsSold": 240 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 68.330, "SellerName": "Larry Lieb", "Country": "イギリス", "City": "ロンドン", "Date": "01/12/2007", "UnitsSold": 456 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 16.056, "SellerName": "Walter Pang", "Country": "イギリス", "City": "バーミンガム", "Date": "02/09/2007", "UnitsSold": 492 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 35.235, "SellerName": "Benjamin Dupree", "Country": "ウルグアイ", "City": "モンテビデオ", "Date": "02/16/2007", "UnitsSold": 78 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 73.215, "SellerName": "Nicholas Carmona", "Country": "ドイツ", "City": "ハイデルブルグ", "Date": "02/17/2007", "UnitsSold": 150 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 73.614, "SellerName": "Nicholas Carmona", "Country": "日本", "City": "東京", "Date": "02/19/2007", "UnitsSold": 262 }, { "ProductCategory": "バイク", "UnitPrice": 47.080, "SellerName": "Monica Freitag", "Country": "イギリス", "City": "リバプール", "Date": "02/21/2007", "UnitsSold": 125 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 51.298, "SellerName": "Kathe Pettel", "Country": "イギリス", "City": "ケンブリッジ", "Date": "03/04/2007", "UnitsSold": 42 }, { "ProductCategory": "バイク", "UnitPrice": 27.466, "SellerName": "David Haley", "Country": "日本", "City": "横浜", "Date": "03/04/2007", "UnitsSold": 282 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 22.374, "SellerName": "Antonio Charbonneau", "Country": "ウルグアイ", "City": "モンテビデオ", "Date": "03/17/2007", "UnitsSold": 305 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 85.292, "SellerName": "Glenn Landeros", "Country": "ドイツ", "City": "ハイデルブルグ", "Date": "03/23/2007", "UnitsSold": 265 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 80.675, "SellerName": "Elisa Longbottom", "Country": "イギリス", "City": "オックスフォード", "Date": "03/25/2007", "UnitsSold": 350 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 64.613, "SellerName": "Glenn Landeros", "Country": "アメリカ", "City": "リンカーン", "Date": "03/27/2007", "UnitsSold": 82 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 50.041, "SellerName": "Harry Tyler", "Country": "ウルグアイ", "City": "モンテビデオ", "Date": "04/02/2007", "UnitsSold": 67 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 16.311, "SellerName": "Brandon Mckim", "Country": "ブルガリア", "City": "プロブディブ", "Date": "04/04/2007", "UnitsSold": 370 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 49.852, "SellerName": "Monica Freitag", "Country": "アメリカ", "City": "クランバリ", "Date": "04/12/2007", "UnitsSold": 228 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 44.761, "SellerName": "Bryan Culver", "Country": "イギリス", "City": "ロンドン", "Date": "04/15/2007", "UnitsSold": 272 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 44.395, "SellerName": "Russell Shorter", "Country": "ウルグアイ", "City": "モンテビデオ", "Date": "04/18/2007", "UnitsSold": 227 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 39.287, "SellerName": "Stanley Brooker", "Country": "ブルガリア", "City": "ソフィア", "Date": "04/18/2007", "UnitsSold": 248 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 36.581, "SellerName": "Benjamin Meekins", "Country": "ウルグアイ", "City": "シウダッド・デ・ラ・コスタ", "Date": "04/21/2007", "UnitsSold": 414 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 75.828, "SellerName": "Walter Pang", "Country": "日本", "City": "東京", "Date": "04/25/2007", "UnitsSold": 43 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 57.757, "SellerName": "Antonio Charbonneau", "Country": "日本", "City": "横浜", "Date": "04/26/2007", "UnitsSold": 71 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 40.231, "SellerName": "Stanley Brooker", "Country": "イギリス", "City": "ケンブリッジ", "Date": "05/14/2007", "UnitsSold": 321 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 49.525, "SellerName": "Elisa Longbottom", "Country": "ウルグアイ", "City": "モンテビデオ", "Date": "05/17/2007", "UnitsSold": 329 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 56.460, "SellerName": "Benjamin Dupree", "Country": "日本", "City": "大阪", "Date": "05/17/2007", "UnitsSold": 88 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 67.129, "SellerName": "Glenn Landeros", "Country": "ウルグアイ", "City": "シウダッド・デ・ラ・コスタ", "Date": "05/26/2007", "UnitsSold": 366 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 14.628, "SellerName": "Walter Pang", "Country": "ドイツ", "City": "ハンブルグ", "Date": "06/02/2007", "UnitsSold": 450 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 89.260, "SellerName": "Howard Sprouse", "Country": "イギリス", "City": "ケンブリッジ", "Date": "06/06/2007", "UnitsSold": 475 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 33.752, "SellerName": "Nicholas Carmona", "Country": "アメリカ", "City": "ミネアポリス", "Date": "06/11/2007", "UnitsSold": 195 }, { "ProductCategory": "バイク", "UnitPrice": 54.101, "SellerName": "Harold Garvin", "Country": "ドイツ", "City": "ハンブルグ", "Date": "06/17/2007", "UnitsSold": 458 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 18.437, "SellerName": "Benjamin Dupree", "Country": "イギリス", "City": "オックスフォード", "Date": "07/04/2007", "UnitsSold": 7 }, { "ProductCategory": "バイク", "UnitPrice": 96.142, "SellerName": "Elisa Longbottom", "Country": "ウルグアイ", "City": "シウダッド・デ・ラ・コスタ", "Date": "07/08/2007", "UnitsSold": 158 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 22.990, "SellerName": "Benjamin Meekins", "Country": "アメリカ", "City": "メルビル", "Date": "07/09/2007", "UnitsSold": 34 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 52.664, "SellerName": "Larry Lieb", "Country": "ウルグアイ", "City": "モンテビデオ", "Date": "07/10/2007", "UnitsSold": 412 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 62.127, "SellerName": "John Smith", "Country": "ウルグアイ", "City": "シウダッド・デ・ラ・コスタ", "Date": "07/15/2007", "UnitsSold": 10 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 10.722, "SellerName": "Antonio Charbonneau", "Country": "アメリカ", "City": "ミネアポリス", "Date": "07/16/2007", "UnitsSold": 466 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 4.693, "SellerName": "Stanley Brooker", "Country": "日本", "City": "東京", "Date": "07/20/2007", "UnitsSold": 248 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 43.724, "SellerName": "Brandon Mckim", "Country": "イギリス", "City": "バーミンガム", "Date": "07/24/2007", "UnitsSold": 307 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 76.440, "SellerName": "Glenn Landeros", "Country": "ブルガリア", "City": "プロブディブ", "Date": "07/26/2007", "UnitsSold": 445 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 34.278, "SellerName": "Bryan Culver", "Country": "イギリス", "City": "ロンドン", "Date": "08/01/2007", "UnitsSold": 480 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 68.573, "SellerName": "Howard Sprouse", "Country": "日本", "City": "大阪", "Date": "08/02/2007", "UnitsSold": 390 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 65.068, "SellerName": "Larry Lieb", "Country": "アメリカ", "City": "シカゴ", "Date": "08/05/2007", "UnitsSold": 388 }, { "ProductCategory": "バイク", "UnitPrice": 44.938, "SellerName": "Russell Shorter", "Country": "ウルグアイ", "City": "シウダッド・デ・ラ・コスタ", "Date": "08/19/2007", "UnitsSold": 37 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 93.468, "SellerName": "John Smith", "Country": "アメリカ", "City": "シアトル", "Date": "08/24/2007", "UnitsSold": 237 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 94.365, "SellerName": "Harry Tyler", "Country": "日本", "City": "横浜", "Date": "08/26/2007", "UnitsSold": 396 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 72.408, "SellerName": "David Haley", "Country": "ウルグアイ", "City": "モンテビデオ", "Date": "08/26/2007", "UnitsSold": 3 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 80.591, "SellerName": "Russell Shorter", "Country": "ドイツ", "City": "ベルリン", "Date": "09/02/2007", "UnitsSold": 330 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 65.404, "SellerName": "Benjamin Dupree", "Country": "アメリカ", "City": "ニューヨーク", "Date": "09/04/2007", "UnitsSold": 143 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 30.638, "SellerName": "Bryan Culver", "Country": "イギリス", "City": "リバプール", "Date": "09/05/2007", "UnitsSold": 318 }, { "ProductCategory": "バイク", "UnitPrice": 7.616, "SellerName": "Alfredo Fetuchini", "Country": "ブルガリア", "City": "プロブディブ", "Date": "09/06/2007", "UnitsSold": 393 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 46.946, "SellerName": "Harold Garvin", "Country": "ドイツ", "City": "ハンブルグ", "Date": "09/10/2007", "UnitsSold": 129 }, { "ProductCategory": "バイク", "UnitPrice": 38.017, "SellerName": "Glenn Landeros", "Country": "ブルガリア", "City": "プロブディブ", "Date": "09/17/2007", "UnitsSold": 426 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 2.481, "SellerName": "Harry Tyler", "Country": "ドイツ", "City": "ハンブルグ", "Date": "09/18/2007", "UnitsSold": 217 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 77.589, "SellerName": "John Smith", "Country": "ウルグアイ", "City": "モンテビデオ", "Date": "09/20/2007", "UnitsSold": 152 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 97.145, "SellerName": "Benjamin Meekins", "Country": "イギリス", "City": "リバプール", "Date": "09/25/2007", "UnitsSold": 452 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 19.697, "SellerName": "Carl Costello", "Country": "アメリカ", "City": "シアトル", "Date": "10/02/2007", "UnitsSold": 499 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 32.775, "SellerName": "Mark Slater", "Country": "イギリス", "City": "オックスフォード", "Date": "10/06/2007", "UnitsSold": 169 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 21.953, "SellerName": "Nicholas Carmona", "Country": "日本", "City": "横浜", "Date": "10/14/2007", "UnitsSold": 386 }, { "ProductCategory": "バイク", "UnitPrice": 35.591, "SellerName": "Russell Shorter", "Country": "イギリス", "City": "オックスフォード", "Date": "10/14/2007", "UnitsSold": 454 }, { "ProductCategory": "バイク", "UnitPrice": 46.950, "SellerName": "Elisa Longbottom", "Country": "ウルグアイ", "City": "シウダッド・デ・ラ・コスタ", "Date": "10/25/2007", "UnitsSold": 334 }, { "ProductCategory": "バイク", "UnitPrice": 41.134, "SellerName": "Lydia Burson", "Country": "アメリカ", "City": "シカゴ", "Date": "10/26/2007", "UnitsSold": 107 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 13.837, "SellerName": "Mark Slater", "Country": "アメリカ", "City": "ミネアポリス", "Date": "11/07/2007", "UnitsSold": 275 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 64.159, "SellerName": "Monica Freitag", "Country": "ウルグアイ", "City": "シウダッド・デ・ラ・コスタ", "Date": "11/09/2007", "UnitsSold": 241 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 1.207, "SellerName": "Larry Lieb", "Country": "ウルグアイ", "City": "モンテビデオ", "Date": "11/11/2007", "UnitsSold": 177 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 57.805, "SellerName": "Monica Freitag", "Country": "日本", "City": "東京", "Date": "11/13/2007", "UnitsSold": 494 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 39.492, "SellerName": "Lydia Burson", "Country": "ブルガリア", "City": "ソフィア", "Date": "11/19/2007", "UnitsSold": 451 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 5.217, "SellerName": "Stanley Brooker", "Country": "日本", "City": "大阪", "Date": "01/01/2008", "UnitsSold": 125 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 53.429, "SellerName": "Kathe Pettel", "Country": "アメリカ", "City": "シカゴ", "Date": "01/02/2008", "UnitsSold": 103 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 52.157, "SellerName": "Larry Lieb", "Country": "日本", "City": "横浜", "Date": "01/03/2008", "UnitsSold": 224 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 17.694, "SellerName": "Nicholas Carmona", "Country": "日本", "City": "横浜", "Date": "01/07/2008", "UnitsSold": 498 }, { "ProductCategory": "バイク", "UnitPrice": 80.741, "SellerName": "Benjamin Dupree", "Country": "ウルグアイ", "City": "モンテビデオ", "Date": "01/08/2008", "UnitsSold": 142 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 95.439, "SellerName": "Larry Lieb", "Country": "アメリカ", "City": "メルビル", "Date": "01/21/2008", "UnitsSold": 487 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 21.778, "SellerName": "David Haley", "Country": "ブルガリア", "City": "ソフィア", "Date": "01/27/2008", "UnitsSold": 331 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 29.907, "SellerName": "Glenn Landeros", "Country": "イギリス", "City": "リバプール", "Date": "02/03/2008", "UnitsSold": 418 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 39.839, "SellerName": "Benjamin Meekins", "Country": "ドイツ", "City": "ベルリン", "Date": "02/04/2008", "UnitsSold": 214 }, { "ProductCategory": "バイク", "UnitPrice": 40.366, "SellerName": "Elisa Longbottom", "Country": "日本", "City": "横浜", "Date": "02/05/2008", "UnitsSold": 229 }, { "ProductCategory": "衣服", "UnitPrice": 35.198, "SellerName": "Alfredo Fetuchini", "Country": "ウルグアイ", "City": "モンテビデオ", "Date": "02/05/2008", "UnitsSold": 16 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 41.755, "SellerName": "Harry Tyler", "Country": "イギリス", "City": "ケンブリッジ", "Date": "02/08/2008", "UnitsSold": 216 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 0.687, "SellerName": "Harry Tyler", "Country": "イギリス", "City": "ケンブリッジ", "Date": "02/09/2008", "UnitsSold": 486 }, { "ProductCategory": "アクセサリー", "UnitPrice": 37.556, "SellerName": "Elisa Longbottom", "Country": "ブルガリア", "City": "プロブディブ", "Date": "02/13/2008", "UnitsSold": 172 }, { "ProductCategory": "バイク", "UnitPrice": 20.804, "SellerName": "Antonio Charbonneau", "Country": "ドイツ", "City": "ハンブルグ", "Date": "02/21/2008", "UnitsSold": 102 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 70.646, "SellerName": "Kathe Pettel", "Country": "日本", "City": "東京", "Date": "02/24/2008", "UnitsSold": 36 }, { "ProductCategory": "コンポーネント", "UnitPrice": 53.290, "SellerName": "Alfredo Fetuchini", "Country": "ウルグアイ", "City": "モンテビデオ", "Date": "02/25/2008", "UnitsSold": 71 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