グリッド - 編集のカスタマイズ化
このサンプルでは、カスタム行編集ダイアログでカスタム エディター プロバイダーをネストする方法を紹介します。
このサンプルは CTP 機能を使用しています。製品版では、API や動作が変更される場合があります。
モバイル デバイスで画面を回転、フル サイズ表示、またはその他のデバイスにメールで送信します。
このサンプルのカスタム エディター プロバイダーは、編集中レコードのために描画される dialogTemplate で実装されます。
このカスタム プロバイダーは igUpload コントロールを含みます。igGrid の画像列を編集するには、ユーザーが画像をアップロードできます。
このダイアログ サンプルは、デフォルトのモーダル ダイアログを置き換える igSplitter コントロールを使用したカスタム ウィジェットです。
カスタム モーダル ダイアログは、[完了] や [キャンセル] ボタン、あるいはキーボードの [Enter] と [ESC] キーでダイアログを閉じて変更を適用します。
コード ビュー
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title></title> <!-- Ignite UI for jQuery Required Combined CSS Files --> <link href="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.1/latest/css/themes/infragistics/infragistics.theme.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.1/latest/css/structure/infragistics.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/modernizr/modernizr-2.8.3.js"></script> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.1/jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <!-- Ignite UI for jQuery Required Combined JavaScript Files --> <script src="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.1/latest/js/infragistics.core.js"></script> <script src="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.1/latest/js/infragistics.lob.js"></script> </head> <body> <style> .ui-igedit-container { width: 150px !important; } .dialogFooter button { margin: .5em .4em .5em 0; cursor: pointer; } .ui-igsplitter .ui-icon-close { font-size: 11px; } </style> <table id="grid1"></table> <br /> <script id="dialogTemplate" type="text/html"> <div style="float: left; width:50%; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 15px;" id="templateContainer"> <strong style="margin-left: 5px">${Name}</strong><br /><br /> <table id="dialogTmpTable" style="width: 50%;"> <colgroup> <col style="width: 30%;" /> <col style="width: 60%;" /> </colgroup> <tbody data-render-tmpl="true"></tbody> </table> <div data-editor-for-imageurl="true"></div> </div> </script> <script id="editorsTemplate" type="text/html"> <tr> <td><strong>${headerText}</strong></td> <td><input data-editor-for-${key}="true" /></td> </tr> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var northwindEmployees = [ { "ID": 1, "Name": "Davolio, Nancy", "Title": "Sales Representative", "ImageUrl": "/images/samples/nw/employees/1.png", "Phone": "(206) 555-9857", "PhoneUrl": "tel:(206) 555-9857", "BirthDate": "1948-12-08T00:00:00", "HireDate": "1992-05-01T00:00:00", "Country": "USA", "Languages": [{ name: "English" }, { name: "Russian" }] }, { "ID": 2, "Name": "Fuller, Andrew", "Title": "Vice President, Sales", "ImageUrl": "/images/samples/nw/employees/2.png", "Phone": "(206) 555-9482", "PhoneUrl": "tel:(206) 555-9482", "BirthDate": "1952-02-19T00:00:00", "HireDate": "1992-08-14T00:00:00", "Country": "USA", "Languages": [{ name: "English" }, { name: "German" }] }, { "ID": 3, "Name": "Leverling, Janet", "Title": "Sales Representative", "ImageUrl": "/images/samples/nw/employees/3.png", "Phone": "(206) 555-3412", "PhoneUrl": "tel:(206) 555-3412", "BirthDate": "1963-08-30T00:00:00Z", "HireDate": "1992-04-01T00:00:00Z", "Country": "USA", "Languages": [{ name: "English" }] }, { "ID": 4, "Name": "Peacock, Margaret", "Title": "Sales Representative", "ImageUrl": "/images/samples/nw/employees/4.png", "Phone": "(206) 555-8122", "PhoneUrl": "tel:(206) 555-8122", "BirthDate": "1937-09-19T00:00:00Z", "HireDate": "1993-05-03T00:00:00Z", "Country": "USA", "Languages": [{ name: "English" }, { name: "Spanish" }] }, { "ID": 5, "Name": "Buchanan, Steven", "Title": "Sales Manager", "ImageUrl": "/images/samples/nw/employees/5.png", "Phone": "(71) 555-4848", "PhoneUrl": "tel:(71) 555-4848", "BirthDate": "1955-03-04T00:00:00Z", "HireDate": "1993-10-17T00:00:00Z", "Country": "UK", "Languages": [{ name: "English" }, { name: "Italian" }] }, { "ID": 6, "Name": "Suyama, Michael", "Title": "Sales Representative", "ImageUrl": "/images/samples/nw/employees/6.png", "Phone": "(71) 555-7773", "PhoneUrl": "tel:(71) 555-7773", "BirthDate": "1963-07-02T00:00:00Z", "HireDate": "1993-10-17T00:00:00Z", "Country": "UK", "Languages": [{ name: "English" }, { name: "Portuguese" }] }, { "ID": 7, "Name": "King, Robert", "Title": "Sales Representative", "ImageUrl": "/images/samples/nw/employees/7.png", "Phone": "(71) 555-5598", "PhoneUrl": "tel:(71) 555-5598", "BirthDate": "1960-05-29T00:00:00Z", "HireDate": "1994-01-02T00:00:00Z", "Country": "UK", "Languages": [{ name: "English" }, { name: "French" }, { name: "Spanish" }] }, { "ID": 8, "Name": "Callahan, Laura", "Title": "Inside Sales Coordinator", "ImageUrl": "/images/samples/nw/employees/8.png", "Phone": "(206) 555-1189", "PhoneUrl": "tel:(206) 555-1189", "BirthDate": "1958-01-09T00:00:00Z", "HireDate": "1994-03-05T00:00:00Z", "Country": "USA", "Languages": [{ name: "English" }, { name: "Mandarin" }] }, { "ID": 9, "Name": "Dodsworth, Anne", "Title": "Sales Representative", "ImageUrl": "/images/samples/nw/employees/9.png", "Phone": "(71) 555-4444", "PhoneUrl": "tel:(71) 555-4444", "BirthDate": "1966-01-27T00:00:00Z", "HireDate": "1994-11-15T00:00:00Z", "Country": "UK", "Languages": [{ name: "English" }, { name: "Japanese" }] } ]; $(function () { //var currCallbacks; //creating custom editor provider $.ig.EditorProviderUpload = $.ig.EditorProvider.extend({ createEditor: function (callbacks, key, editorOptions, tabIndex, format, element) { this.noImagePath = "../images/samples/grid/noimage.png"; this.currCallbacks = callbacks; var tmpContainer = $("#templateContainer"); //appending teh div and the image elemnts tmpContainer.parent().prepend('<div id="container" style="width: 35%;float: left;position:relative; padding-top:5%; margin-top: 32px; margin-left: 20px;"><img id="imgTmp" src="" alt="" title="" width="120px" height="120px"/><div id="tooltip" style="left:25%;width:120px;position:absolute;"></div></div>'); tmpContainer.parent().append('<div style="clear:both;"></div><div id="error-message" style="float: right;color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold;"></div>'); this.createUpload(); this.image = $("#imgTmp"); return element; }, attachErrorEvents: function (errorShowing, errorShown, errorHidden) { }, getValue: function () { return this.image.attr("src") || this.noImagePath; }, setValue: function (val) { this.image.attr("src", val); }, createUpload: function () { // if upload exists - remove it and re-create new upload var $tooltip = $("#tooltip"), self = this; $('#upload').remove(); $("<div id='upload'></div>").appendTo($tooltip); $("#upload").igUpload({ width: "120px", autostartupload: true, maxFileSize: 500000, allowedExtensions: ["jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png"], fileSelected: function (e, args) { args.owner.element.hide(); }, fileUploaded: $.proxy(this.fileUploadedEvt, this), onError: function (e, args) { self.showAlert(args); }, locale: { labelUploadButton: "編集", labelAddButton: "編集" }, controlId: "serverID4" }); }, fileUploadedEvt: function (evt, ui) { var button = $("#upload_bb"), upload = $("#upload"), sMsg = ui.fileInfo.serverMessage, self = this; if (!sMsg) { sMsg = "../images/samples/grid/noimage.png"; this.showAlert({ errorMessage: 'The file cannot be uploaded.' }); } else { sMsg = 'data:image/png;base64,' + sMsg; } $("#imgTmp").attr("src", sMsg); //callbacks collection this.currCallbacks.textChanged(); // re-create upload setTimeout(function () { self.createUpload(); }, 10); }, showAlert: function (args) { var self = this; $("#error-message").html(args.errorMessage) .stop(true, true).fadeIn(500).delay(3000).fadeOut(500); setTimeout(function () { self.createUpload(); }, 10); }, destroy: function () { var $upload = $("#upload"); if ($upload.data('igUpload')) { $upload.igUpload("destroy"); } } }); $.widget("ui.SplitterDialog", $.ui.igGridModalDialog, { _create: function () { var d = this.element, self = this, gc, header, footer, $buttonSet, $buttonOK, $buttonCancel, o = this.options, self = this, outerContianer, closeButton, btnContainer; // get the grid's container gc = d.closest(".ui-iggrid"); d.detach(); outerContianer = "<div id='customContainerDiv'></div>"; gc.wrap(outerContianer).wrap("<div></div>"); gc.parent().parent().append(d); this._customSplitterContainer = $("#customContainerDiv"); this._customSplitterContainer.igSplitter( { width: "100%", height: "400px", panels: [ { size: "30%" }, { size: "70%", collapsible: true } ] } ); // adding the header header = $("<div></div>") .addClass("ui-widget-header") .css("padding", "4px") .text(this.options.locale.modalDialogCaptionText) .appendTo(d); //adding close button btnContainer = $("<div></div>").appendTo(header).addClass("ui-iggrid-modaldialog-caption-buttoncontainer"); closeButton = $("<button type='button'></button>") .attr("id", "dialog_closeButton") .appendTo(btnContainer); closeButton.igButton({ onlyIcons: true, icons: { primary: "ui-icon-close" }, width: "20px", height: "20px", click: function () { self.closeModalDialog(false, true); } }); //adding footer footer = $("<div class='dialogFooter'></div>") //.addClass(this.css.modalDialogFooter) .attr("id", this._id("footer")) .appendTo(d); $buttonSet = $("<div></div>") .appendTo(footer); $buttonOK = $("<button></button>") .attr("id", this._id("footer_buttonok")) .appendTo($buttonSet); $buttonOK.igButton({ labelText: o.locale.buttonApplyText, title: o.locale.buttonApplyTitle, disabled: o.buttonApplyDisabled, click: function () { self.closeModalDialog(true, true); } }); $buttonCancel = $("<button></button>") .attr("id", this._id("footer_buttoncancel")) .appendTo($buttonSet); $buttonCancel.igButton({ labelText: o.locale.buttonCancelText, title: o.locale.buttonCancelTitle, click: function () { self.closeModalDialog(false, true); } }); // adding the content $("<div></div>") .css({ "overflow": "auto", "height": gc.outerHeight() - header.outerHeight() - footer.outerHeight() }) .attr("id", this.element.attr("id") + "_content") .insertAfter(header); $buttonSet.css("float", "right"); // dialog css d.css({ "width": this.options.modalDialogWidth, "height": gc.outerHeight(), "background-color": "#FFFFFF" }); // grid's container need to hide the sliding dialog gc.css("overflow", "hidden"); gc.find("tbody").on({ mousedown: function (evt) { var table = gc.find(".ui-iggrid-table"), rowID = $(evt.target).closest("tr").attr("data-id"); if (table.igGridUpdating("isEditing")) { if (table.igGridUpdating("endEdit", true)) { table.igGridUpdating("startEdit", rowID); } } evt.stopPropagation(); }, pointerdown: function (evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); }, touchstart: function (evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); } }, "td"); d.bind({ // bind to keydown so that the dialog can be closed on ENTER and ESC keypresses, // also handles the TAB sequence to wrap around the elements of the dialog keydown: function (e) { var tabElems, first, last; if (e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE) { self.closeModalDialog(false, true); return; } if (e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER && self.options.closeModalDialogOnEnter && !self.options.buttonApplyDisabled) { self.closeModalDialog(true, true); return; } if (e.keyCode !== $.ui.keyCode.TAB) { return; } tabElems = $(":tabbable", this); first = tabElems.first(); last = tabElems.last(); if (e.target === last[0] && !e.shiftKey) { first.focus(1); return false; } if (e.target === first[0] && e.shiftKey) { last.focus(1); return false; } } }); }, openModalDialog: function () { var d = this.element, noCancel; if (this._modalDialogOpened) { return; } noCancel = this._trigger( this.events.modalDialogOpening, null, { modalDialog: d, owner: this } ); if (noCancel) { this._modalDialogOpened = true; d.show(); d.prev().show(); this._customSplitterContainer.igSplitter("setFirstPanelSize", "50%"); this._trigger( this.events.modalDialogOpened, null, { modalDialogElement: d, owner: this, shouldFocus: true } ); } }, closeModalDialog: function (accepted, fromUI) { var d = this.element, noCancel = true, self = this; if (!this._modalDialogOpened) { return; } noCancel = this._trigger( this.events.modalDialogClosing, null, { modalDialog: d, owner: this, accepted: !!accepted, raiseEvents: fromUI }); if (noCancel) { this._modalDialogOpened = false; d.hide(); d.prev().hide(); this._customSplitterContainer.igSplitter("setFirstPanelSize", "100%"); this._customSplitterContainer.igSplitter("firstPanel").css("width", "100%"); } } }); $("#grid1").igGrid({ dataSource: northwindEmployees, primaryKey: "ID", width: "100%", height: "400px", autoCommit: true, autoGenerateColumns: false, columns: [ { headerText: "社員 ID", key: "ID", dataType: "number", hidden: true }, { headerText: "画像", key: "ImageUrl", dataType: "object", template: "<img width='100' height='90' src='${ImageUrl}' alt='${Name}' title='${Name}' />" }, { headerText: "名前", key: "Name", dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "役職", key: "Title", dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "電話", key: "Phone", dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "雇用日", key: "HireDate", dataType: "date" } ], features: [ { name: "Updating", enableAddRow: true, enableDeleteRow: false, editMode: "dialog", dialogWidget: "SplitterDialog", columnSettings: [ { columnKey: "ImageUrl", readOnly: false, editorProvider: new $.ig.EditorProviderUpload() } ], rowEditDialogOptions: { dialogTemplateSelector: "#dialogTemplate", editorsTemplateSelector: "#editorsTemplate", showReadonlyEditors: false, editorsColumnWidth: 150 } } ] }); }); </script> </body> </html>